No sovereign nation should expect another sovereign nation to take care of the societal needs of its poor or disadvantaged.
The debate on immigration protocol is no different. Most Americans can state three reasons why immigration is such a traumatic social problem. Those seeking to cross the borders of the United States are in search of, among other things, a job, an opportunity, and a better life for their families. Why is there such disparity between two cultures that border each other and share hundreds of years of common history? Could it be that Mexico bears part of the blame and therefore has an obligation to be a part of the solution?
A little known and discussed fact is that a portion of the immigrants crossing the U.S. borders illegally are illiterate; they can neither read nor write Spanish or English. This presents a problem when the U.S. educational system, in good faith, attempts to provide them an education. It is difficult to prescribe a particular curriculum for a child 10 – 11 years old who has not received the benefit of a 2nd, 3rd or 4th grade education. Further, there are fewer government programs in Mexico to support the unemployed than in the United States. Therefore, the hope of the immigrant appears only to be in the United States. This human circumstance exists through decades of government policy and cultural dictates of Mexico.
The underlying premise of U.S. foreign policy should include the advocating of: rule of law, due process, free and independent courts, free press, and transparency. In addition we should add the element of “Principled Free Enterprise”. In Principled Free Enterprise, free enterprise is advanced. Yet this principle requires education of the masses, basic health care, welfare, regulation of Wall Street, elimination of corruption, and job training.
No sovereign nation should expect another sovereign nation to take care of the societal needs of its poor or disadvantaged.
We can debate the compassion of the United States to provide education and benefits to immigrants. But to do so without enforcing the laws on our books diminishes the intention of goodwill. As in the regimen of good health, ignoring the commitment to enforce the laws is like ignoring exercise as part and parcel of a good health prescription.
The key to the solution of the problem of immigration is the integration of all forces involved. To address elements of the problem like border security, a plan for citizenship for the 11.5 million illegal immigrants in residence in the U.S., and family unity, while ignoring the bigger picture of all particulars involved, is missing the concept of integrated principles. All particulars include world economic policy, foreign policy as it relates to due process and civil rights of individuals of sovereign states in the world community, and the coordination of all sovereign nations in reference to the migration of their populations in a world system.
Mexico should at least address the need to serve its own underclass. Corruption is a serious problem in Mexico. It may be difficult to solve, but it should be addressed and measured for progress. Job openings in the United States should be applied for by immigrants in Mexico and coordinated with the Mexican government as part of an open immigration policy.
The United States of America is the only country in the world that accepts the birth of a child on its soil as citizenship for that child. It is one of the greater humanitarian purposes of our country. It should be commended. And other countries who do not offer this advantage should respect our cultural values. We as a nation, the United States, should set the standard and direction for our partner nations to participate with us in immigration.
The integration of principled policy in foreign policy, economic policy, and immigration policy, not only is critical to the needs of economic workforces and societal development of the world, it is critical for the preservation of human dignity, person-to-person and family-to-family.
My name is Marc Nuttle and this is what I believe.
What do you believe?