Politically Unconnected

Much has been said about that which divides Americans. From the economic rhetoric of Bernie Sanders, to the political correctness of the Obama administration, to the “not business as usual” of the angry American electorate, America today finds itself in societal gridlock. Throughout its history, America has faced struggles that tested its resolve as a nation. Yet in the past, we have exercised debate in reference to our founding commitment to freedom. Freedom was the very prism through which the constitutionality of all issues were viewed, analyzed, and applied. In this political season, we have abandoned the very dialogue of principles that seeks to define the soul of our sovereignty. Instead, we have pursued political, cultural, and spiritual self-interests. The result is that society has become politically unconnected.


Since the founding of our country, there has been a traditional order of authority that provided the sinew of continuity. The establishment changed or evolved, sometimes by force, to restructure order as demanded by the citizens. But during the transformation, the establishment delivered the connection between the governed and their government. This time, the establishment has been in denial of the public’s frustration and part of the abandonment of principles. The public has been pushed to its limit. The traditional tendons of connectivity have all been severed, leaving the transition to a new structure at risk.

The United States is a democratic republic, not a pure democracy. As citizens, we do not vote on every law and piece legislation that impacts us. We elect representatives at the federal and state level to act on our behalf to provide for the common good. Trust is critical in our relationship with elected officials. Political parties and special interests operate as vehicles of influence to communicate and coordinate with elected officials to facilitate the people’s political will. What is unique about this political cycle is that the establishment no longer has any authority long-standing in either party.

Donald Trump is the presumptive nominee of the GOP. In exercising the ritual meeting with Washington Republican leaders, he made it clear that he would continue to develop his own presidential policy as he saw fit. He was not disrespectful of said leadership, but he didn’t act in deference either. Many were surprised by the national polling that indicated only 27% of the Republican Party felt it was important that Congressional Republican leaders endorse Donald Trump. The Republican Party is now disconnected from its national leadership. If Donald Trump wins the presidency, he will redefine and restructure the GOP based on his own philosophy. This restructuring will start at the Republican National Committee. All fifty state parties will be left to their own means to navigate this transformation. If he loses, there will be no center of gravity left around which the party can restructure easily. The establishment connection is broken.

On the Democratic side, there is no “establishment bench” behind Hillary Clinton. If she wins the presidency, the Democratic establishment will have a couple of years left to orchestrate their designs. But the heir apparent to leadership in the Democratic Party is Elizabeth Warren (U.S. Senator from Massachusetts). As the New Right was a re-energized conservative movement of the 1970s that led to Ronald Reagan, the Elizabeth Warren wing of the Democratic Party is a progressive ideology that is a new socialism. If Hillary Clinton loses, the Democratic Party will immediately gravitate to the left. The current Democratic establishment will be on the outside looking in.

Following the November elections, the two major political parties of the United States will be changed forever, and therefore, so will the resulting structure of American society.

Culturally, America is becoming more divided based upon ethnicity and sexual orientation. Spiritually, society is fractured as a result of the application of tolerance in reference to ideology. This is what happens when we abandon the very dialogue of principles that seeks to define the soul of our sovereignty.

The rejection by the American people of their elected government now involves different levels and categories of rebellion. Some are angry about overreach by the Executive Branch. Some are angry at the demand for political correctness beyond all mores of common sense. Some are angry at what is perceived as the unaccountable, privileged elite. Some are just fed up with the gridlock and lack of action to solve our problems. But most have given up on establishment authority.

Why is this disconnect so threatening?

Because a republic cannot survive without connectivity between the governed and the government. Trust between the two dictates functionality.

America is an established democracy. Sometimes we take for granted our first amendment rights.  But we do speak our minds openly. We, in our constitutional relationship with government, expect candidates for higher office to hear and address our concerns. Through the compromise of the ballot box, we respect each other’s opinions. It is absolutely crucial that trust be reestablished between the people, their government, and the collective opinion of all citizens.

In facing enormous personal consequences of national challenges, Americans have always relied upon the founding principles of the United States – freedom of the individual and limited government. It was this freedom and these limits that Alexander Hamilton and James Madison referred to in the Federalist Papers.  On the purpose of government, Hamilton wrote, “Why has government been instituted at all? Because the passions of men will not conform to the dictates of reason and justice without constraint.” Madison argued, “The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution of the federal government are few and defined.” These statements were made in argument for ratification of the Constitution by the states. Freedom was to be respected by individuals for each other. And government was to be limited for specific powers enumerated to provide for the general welfare.

Elected officials were meant to represent a continuity of establishment that respected the Constitution and, not only people’s rights, but their heartfelt opinions. Trust in government and constitutional protections was essential for Americans to feel politically connected. This trust must be reestablished if we are to face our problems in unity and joint self-sacrifice. This can only be accomplished by electing leaders who believe in individual freedom and limited government. Leaders who adhere to the truth that government can only govern by the consent of the governed. By electing such leaders, the establishment is reformed and the citizens are reconnected. Without connectivity, government dysfunction will spread to society, and our very order will be in peril.

The paramount consideration is the maintenance of freedom. The essence of freedom is the soul of America’s sovereignty.

My name is Marc Nuttle and this is what I believe.

What do you believe?