How Can Church Leaders Prepare Their Congregations for the Coming Reset?

Here’s a short checklist of what church leaders can do now to start preparing. The In Trust Network has resources and people who can help you with each of these steps.

  1. Compile briefing materials about the coming reset from resources available at the In Trust Network website.
  2. Call a meeting of elders to brief the coming reset, why it’s happening and what it means. Get buy-in from the elders that the church will help prepare for what’s coming.
  3. Recruit a business owner or owners to head the effort to organize business owners and key individuals in the congregation.
  4. Download briefing materials from the In Trust Network website, or schedule Marc or another In Trust leader to help brief participants.
  5. Set up a zoom call with participating church leaders, the business point person(s), and a representative from the In Trust Network.
  6. Host an organizational meeting or luncheon of business owners in the church. Discuss the reset with attendees and how they can help prepare.
  7. Church leaders and business owners make contact with their counterparts in neighboring churches.
  8. A schedule of regular meetings or lunches is established in order to hear from guest speakers on current events, economic data, and what it all means. These meetings should also be used to facilitate planning, recruitment, and review on the status of benchmarks and goals.
  9. Business owners and church leaders reach out to their contacts in local government and law enforcement and invite them to attend a meeting of the local business owners and church leaders involved.
  10. Coordination on planning for the coming economic reset, or other community emergencies, commences.
  11. Make contact with businesses, law enforcement, and charitable groups who might be able to contribute food, supplies, security and water treatment in the event of an emergency or breakdown in local services.
  12. The role of local churches in such planning could be to: 
    1. Serve as a gathering place and point of coordination; 
    2. Be a center of distribution for food and supplies to families in need;
    3. Be available to give counseling and spiritual support to impacted individuals;