
Home Biography
Marc Nuttle Oklahoma


Marc Nuttle is the only person who has:

  • Been involved in a federal campaign in all 50 states


  • Managed a campaign for President of the United States


  • Run the National Republican Congressional Committee


  • Managed the nationwide political affairs of a national small business association


  • Advised 3 U.S. Presidents and a number of foreign governments around the world


Marc Nuttle is an attorney based in Norman, Oklahoma, who specializes in international trade, international foreign policy, and international political affairs. He is widely recognized for his expertise in forecasting political and economic trends. He represents corporations, business projects and political entities nationally and internationally. Mr. Nuttle is the founder of the New Horizon Council, a forum for the discussion of transcendent government and business principles. He is the author of the Moment of Truth: How Our Government’s Addiction to Spending & Power Will Destroy Everything That Makes America Great. He is also the author of the weekly commentary The Nuttle Report.

President Ronald Reagan

Mr. Nuttle served on the Industrial Policy Advisory Committee for Trade and Policy matters for the United States Government under President Ronald Reagan. In that capacity, he wrote and advised the Reagan Administration on international trade and General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) for six years. He also served as legal counsel to President Reagan’s United States Synthetic Fuels Transition Team. He was a member of Governor Brad Henry’s Steering Committee for Economic Development Generating Excellence (EDGE) and the Chairman of EDGE’s International Markets Committee. He served as a member of the Oklahoma Council of Bond Oversight. He is currently Chairman of the Oklahoma Health Care Authority Board and a member of MorningStar Ministries board. He was a Board Member of the Last Frontier Council of Boy Scouts. He served as Chairman of current Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt’s Transition Team.

Mr. Nuttle has advised the countries of Bulgaria, Ukraine, Russia, and Guatemala as well as corporations owned and controlled by the People’s Republic of China. He has represented the State of Oklahoma for international economic development. He has lectured in London on political and economic topics to Members of Parliament and to Conservative Party leaders in Great Britain. In 2004, Mr. Nuttle participated in strategy sessions for the U.S. State Department and International Republican Institute in Sudan in reference to their ongoing peace talks.

In the past several decades, Mr. Nuttle has represented as legal counsel and political counsel, numerous United States House of Representative campaigns, United States Senate campaigns, gubernatorial campaigns, and state House and state Senate campaigns encompassing all states in the continental U.S. He served on Senator Dewey Bartlett’s staff and on Governor Henry Bellmon’s senatorial campaign staff. He has served as counselor to Senator Don Nickles and as advisor to Senator Jim Inhofe. Mr. Nuttle served as field counsel for the 1984 Reagan-Bush Reelect Campaign. In the early 1988 presidential election cycle, he was National Campaign Manager for Pat Robertson’s presidential campaign. He was a senior advisor to George Bush’s presidential campaigns in 1988 and 1992. From 1989 to 1991, he was Executive Director of the National Republican Congressional Committee in Washington, DC. He was a legal advisor in the Bush-Gore re-count effort in Florida in 2000. In 2001, Mr. Nuttle was the chief strategist for the Right to Work referendum in Oklahoma. This was the first successful referendum to pass Right to Work in the United States since 1958.

Mr. Nuttle has participated in numerous panel and seminar discussions around the country. He has published articles in the Wall Street Journal, INC magazine and in Campaigns & Elections magazine. He has been interviewed by the New York Times, Washington Post, Time, Newsweek, U.S. News & World Report, and featured in the Wall Street Journal. He has appeared on ABC, CBS and NBC nightly news, Fox News, Governor Mike Huckabee’s program, MSNBC, CNN, C-SPAN, ABC’s Nightline, CNN’s Crossfire, MacNeil-Lehrer News Hour, Oklahoma City’s Flashpoint, The Verdict and many other regional shows. In 1998, he served as a judge for the Miss America Pageant in Atlantic City, NJ.

Ronald Reagan